Wednesday, 6 October 2021

In anticipation of Partizan.

This Sunday sees the return of the excellent Partizan Show at Newark. This is the first show for many many years that I will be attending as a customer! First as a Redcar Rebel I have been putting on demo games at this show for as long as I can remember, certainly our first demo games took place at a school hall/ gymnasium! 
There were three of us when we started - Gordon the terrain man,me and Lee and I. For whatever reason that I never fully understood Gordon drifted away and for those that follow this blog will know Lee died of MND eight years ago this November.

Since then I have sought to continue the tradition of putting on a game at one of the Partizan shows most years. But this year I’m taking a break and hope to be back next year with a game.

I attach a random selection of some of the games we put on over the years including a couple of the more recent games. So many games, so many figures the majority of which have moved on to pastures new!
The pictures are in no set order and hopefully are self explanatory - a summary of many a happy memory. 
In addition it’s worth a visit to the Partizan groups Flicker page 
I doubt you will find a better collection of outstanding games anywhere else.pity they couldn’t publish an album 😁, so enjoy the pics and hopefully may see some of you on Sunday


marinergrim said...

Great looking games. Not sure if I'll be there or not at the moment - will be a last minute decision Sunday morning I suspect. Either way I hope you enjoy your day.

RichardM said...

Some great looking games there Graham - great to see some 20mm WWII games in addition to the 18th century what I would have normally associated with you.


Independentwargamesgroup said...

Really looking forward to the day Graham. Its a big step forward and one that is badly needed to kick-start things properly. Where did those eight years go?

Graham C said...

Will look out for you if you go.
18th century was a very late addition. Lee and I had talked about it and was one of the reasons Crann Tara was born.
When I looked through the albums my first real demo game with Gordon and Lee was Bosworth in 1985! Where have the years gone?

Norm said...

Lovely tables. Enjoy your day as a punter.

StuartInsch said...

Look forward to catching up with you Graham.
See you Sunday