Tuesday 18 July 2017

Back from the Hols - workbench update

Well Sundaysaw my wife and I return from a most excellent trip to the Highlands.
A stay in Cawdor with regular trips to the Cawdor Tavern was excellent.
A trip to the Clava Cairns, Culloden and Fort George were my must do's although I have to say my wife was most impressed by all.

A full day over on the Black Isle reinforced how wonderful this part of Scotland is and whilst driving around look what I saw

The new aircraft carrier is a huge beast :)
Cromarty is a beautiful village full of 18th century buildings and this caught my eye

Now onto the work bench
Fusiliers de Morliere are done and ready for basing and I've almost finished painting samples of my new French artillery crew.

I'm currently running a 1744 campaign which I hope to complete and write up in this years Wargames Annual but some snippets will appear here.