First and foremost can I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope Santa brings you lots of nice things tomorrow and that you all have a great festive holiday.
I haven't posted as much as I wanted but that is primarily due to my other blog and the Crann Tara Miniatures being released at a far faster rate :)
However I aim to redress that next year and post more game reports next year.
I have been blown off course slightly by Carlo over on the 'With Pyjama's through the desert' blog.
He has spent time pulling together Peter Gilders Sudan rules and published them - 'The Sands of The Sudan'.
I couldn't resist buying a copy as I recall the original campaign series by Peter in Wargames World all those years ago!!!
I have always wanted to play Sudan and these fit the bill - my only restraint due to time, cost and space was I didn't go for 28mm so 15mm it is and in the last couple of weeks I've painted a horde (small one ) of Ansar etc and in two session a 60 figure British Battalion - its waiting for the bases to be finished. This means I can get this diversion under way in the very near future.
Just a few quick picks of the 'enemy' - still on the green board for the moment - sorry!!
All the figures are by Peter Pig - I have some Blue Moon to try - slightly taller but they should look ok.
See you next year.
A blog to let me wax lyrical about the hobby, to talk about the fictitious 18th century country Scotia Albion and their arch enemies from the Grand Duchy of Comyn and to display my progress (albeit slow) in creating their armies and characters.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Cabin Sort out and Ancients on display
Since moving in to the home some 2 and half years ago I have never really got to grips with the storage in cabin and garage what was on display in the cabin were generally buildings because they were quicker and easier to unpack.
After starting the rationalisation of my collections and sorting things out I've started moving buildings into crates and figures onto shelves :) First up the Ancients almost 4,000 painted and still growing.
Below are some of my Greeks and Persian/Seleucid figures.
Phalanx for the memories!! Part of the ten I have painted up for my Successors/Seleucid army for my Magnesia project.
Greeks - Lots of them and all to be re-based
Imperial Romans - still need more cavalry and some more lights but effectively finished.
Romans and Germans
Close up to show my Favorite Successor General Antigonus
Merry Christmas too you all, next to move in will be the Lord of the Rings collection and the 18th Century chaps :)
After starting the rationalisation of my collections and sorting things out I've started moving buildings into crates and figures onto shelves :) First up the Ancients almost 4,000 painted and still growing.
Below are some of my Greeks and Persian/Seleucid figures.
Phalanx for the memories!! Part of the ten I have painted up for my Successors/Seleucid army for my Magnesia project.
Greeks - Lots of them and all to be re-based
Imperial Romans - still need more cavalry and some more lights but effectively finished.
Romans and Germans
Close up to show my Favorite Successor General Antigonus
Merry Christmas too you all, next to move in will be the Lord of the Rings collection and the 18th Century chaps :)
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