Saturday, 6 July 2019

Vauban - the start

Well after the mammoth 22 hour print the first two pieces of the first bastion is complete, the next two pieces I think I will print one at a time.
I scaled it down slightly and printed at 90% - I think it looks fine with the figures - so onwards and upwards


StuartInsch said...

Watching this with keen interest ....looks great.

Colin Ashton said...

Good job I already have a Vauban fortress. What make is the printer?

Der Alte Fritz said...

I like what you've done so far. Do you have the software for a main gate?

DaveD said...

That looks a good start . Along with the bits you showed me Partizan , I think I need to sort out some cave space to get a printer in there

Graham C said...

To be honest these are better than the bits at Partizan 😀 I've gone for better quality and the resin printer has been busy 15mm WWII vehicles 🤣

Graham C said...

Prusa MK3s it's a beaut.

Graham C said...

Yes, check out laser dreamworks I have most the files.