Friday, 5 April 2019

Gettysburg and getting ready for Salute

Well Back home from America and as always it was  hard saying goodbye to my son.
The weekend saw us walk a big chunk of the Gettysburg battlefield 15 miles we clocked up during the best part of the day.
It was one of my 'biggies' on my bucket list and the ten hour drive each way was well worth it. The town of Gettysburg not much bigger as it was back then and we found some awesome places to eat and drink.

So as to the walk itself well as with most battlefields being there brings another dimension, you really begin to appreciate lines of sight, understand how troops can remain unseen in certain areas and in some cases how CinC's would have to rely on good intelligence as to what was happening

Lydia Leister Barn - Meade's HQ

Pickets charge from Union lines

Looking down from Little Round top to the Slaugher pen

looking up towards 20th Maine location behind low wall

Devils Den - big Dave looking not so big!

A most awesome day and the stay in Gettysburg was pretty damn good to.
Two small talks that are very interesting to listen to

So this morning it's now off to Salute!


Independentwargamesgroup said...

Best of luck at Salute Graham, Im impressed by your energy. It must be all those years sat at a desk. Im pleased you were impressed by Gettysburg, I thought it was tremendous when I walked the fields. I was very envious of the Americans who really know how to appreciate their history and present it properly.

Chris Gregg said...

Thanks for the memories Graham. That whole area from Devils Den up to Little Round Top is absolutely amazing, especially if you can track the action over the course of the few critical hours, and see the line of the 20th Maine's stand. Good Luck with Salute, hope you still have "my" banner for your stand. Chris

Carlo said...

Absolutely on my list of places to visit Graham and great to see you could do it with your son. Brilliant!

StuartInsch said...

It is an amazing place.
See you tomorrow!

Graham C said...

No comment re sitting at a desk! Yes at least based on this field of battle then the preservation, the information provided are second to none

Graham C said...

Yes we spent quite a lot of time exploring this area and the Peach Orchard/ Wheatfield. The banner will be next out at Falkirk - tight for space this year at Salute

Graham C said...

Certainly a must do and advancing over the route of Pickett's charge to finish the day was a fitting finale

Graham C said...
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Graham C said...

Certainly is and yes see you tomorrow

RichardM said...

They have done great work over recent years in restoring the landscape to what it was like.

Now Graham, can you suppress an urge to to ACW? I always swore I never would ... until I visited Gettysburg and was taken with the place. There is a 'feeling' about the place that I go walking around.

Richard said...

Hi Graham presume photo one is the Bryon barn. Photo six is Culps Hill or Devils Den, the last photo of Your much lamented son is where? Please?Any chance of locations? after a trillion miles only 6/7 photos,Wait till I see you down Gav's, jellos as hell, a right customer!

Graham C said...

Rushed post I shall update accordingly and do a part 2 don’t worry