Monday 25 September 2023

Small Bench Update.

 As always it’s been a busy couple of weeks who ever said you’d have all the time in the world when you retire to do what you want lied.

However as always I have all sorts on the bench but at least they’re all themed on the projects I’m working on!

Anyway for my 10mm Bunker Hill project I finished the 52nd foot, I always gloss varnish the 10mm figures before applying Matt varnish to give them some extra protection..

I’ve also received some resin earth ramparts which I’m going to use to form the main parts of the redoubt making the extra bits as I go.

The Quatre Bras project continues to move forward I painted a unit of Belgian Line infantry using the Warlord British, oof course I forgot the Belgians only carried one standard so I’m going to have to do some work on the second standard bearer! I will do that when I finish the bases.

Then there’s the first of the Dutch Militia, I’m using the MC miniatures STL files which I got printed for me. They’re in strips of 5 and originally I was going to put them on ‘Warlord bases’ however their own base is quite thick and putting them on the Warlord plastic would lift them way too high so I’ve left them on the 30mm frontage and based them on some very thin plasticard. I enjoyed painting these and have another two units to paint for the Brigade.

The flags are from Fighting 15’s I found they do a number of sheets of flags for some of the brigades at Waterloo. 

Behind the scenes painting of the 15mm and 28mm WOTR continues and there’s been some pondering about another skirmish type game bubbling away at the back of my mind and with Partizan in two weeks maybe I will get a few samples! I’ve also undercoated some Wiglaf miniatures, they’re very nice and I’m thinking of using them for some Dux Britanniarum as the armies are small and quickly achievable!

So not bad progress, couple of hospital appointments this week and in between the Rugby World Cup I plan on getting some more bits off the bench.

Hopefully see some of you at Partizan…..


Tiberian general said...

Very nice figures Graham, so tempted to do a 10mm project.


Donnie McGibbon said...

Nice work all round there, really like the 10mm AWI, they have turned out lovely. The epic Dutch/Belgians are very nice indeed, the printed ones really match the Warlord style well. Great stuff!!

StuartInsch said...

I like the Belgians. The shoulder to shoulder look works so well.

Hope to catch you at Partizan. Take care.


The Jolly Broom Man said...

Lovely minis - as expected…but I’m really intrigued by the tents in the background. Where did you get them from?

Norm said...

The Dutch Militia make for a very compelling Epic ‘like’ unit. I can see the 3D printer people really moving into the Epic slots. I know people complained about the Epic ‘scale, but there are a few manufacturers doing well out of it, such as Kallistra and Peter Pig.

Old Nick said...

Well done!