Thursday 31 August 2023

Short Update

 I had high hopes this week of getting lots done and squeezing in a game, unfortunately between problems with my leg and it’s associated blood clot and getting a head cold off my grand daughters then the plans have largely been scuppered.

However I managed to complete a few bits and as the wife is going away on Saturday for a week my stall is set out to fight Guildford Courthouse using Live Free or Die with a couple of tweaks from Loose Files and American scramble. It’s a reasonably sized engagement with pretty much all troop types in the one battle. I shall report on this over the weekend.

As to what’s got off the bench Battalion Grubenhagen completes the 1st Hanoverian Brigade and I’ve just started on the first unit of Belgians.

Using the Warlord Epic Rifles they will be passable on the table.

Because of the slowdown of the painting due to the head cold I thought I’d have a go at building a 10mm ship I’d purchased from Stonewall Figures.
It’s a 28 gun frigate and comes with crew and guns, designed for Napoleonic I aim to use it for AWI so whilst the Marine figures aren’t suitable the sailors are passable. The challenge was in the assembly as there are no instructions! I contacted Mark the owner of the company who helped as best he could but told me when he acquired the company the ship templates didn’t have any instructions.  The pieces are all numbered and in essence you start at one and go from there.!
There were a few chewy moments and there is only one photo of the completed model. The hardest part is going to be working out the length of the dowels for the masts.!

I also received a couple of books the first is ( I think) a fairly old Osprey - Boston 1775 and covers Lexington/ Concord and the action around Bunker/Breeds Hill. 

The second is a pretty weighty tome and one which at first glance looks very impressive

My first coalition project is still trickling along in the background and I think this is going to be extremely useful. A further update once I’ve looked through. 


Ray Rousell said...

I'll be interested in your views on Throwing Thunderbolts?

Graham C said...

Sounds like a leading question 🤣

Jonathan Freitag said...

Looks you had a hard week. Next week sounds like you get some well-deserved rest. Like Ray, I am interested in seeing a review of the First Coalition book too.

StuartInsch said...

I look forward to seeing the frigate completed.


Norm said...

The Epic look grand. Looking forward to the AWI game - hope your health picks up, particularly the old leg.

Garry said...

Thanks for buying my book Throwing Thunderbolts, I hope you enjoy it. Your other readers can learn more about it on my Youtube channel at or on my blogpost on the Helion website at

Happy reading


The Jolly Broom Man said...

Sorry to hear you’re not well matey, but you’ve really grabbed my interest with that 10mm ship. I’d been looking at Newline Designs 3rd Rate model but now you’ve given me pause for thought. Lol.

Aly Morrison said...

Nice little Hanoverians Graham…
The ship looks interesting… it’s a shame that there were no instructions though… Mind you it probably distracted you from your cold.
Throwing Thunderbolts looks very interesting.

All the best. Aly