Thursday, 25 June 2020

Battery painted

Thought I’d make the most of the weather so in between gardening slapped some paint on the coastal battery, the doors are still to do and a little more weathering but it’s looking better.


MSFoy said...

It looks marvellous!

Der Alte Fritz said...

Nice looking model

CelticCurmudgeon said...

very nicely done! What scale is this battery if I may be so bold?

Graham C said...

Hi, it's 28mm as per the figure in the second photo - it's around 76mm tall, 200mm deep and 175mm wide. Obviously being printed it can be made to any scale

Peter Douglas said...

Great little fortification

StuartInsch said...

Looks good mate.

Aly Morrison said...

Very nice indeed Graham...

All the best. Aly

Delta Coy said...

Nicely done, is this the first of many?

Delta Coy said...

Very nice Graham. Have you thought about filling in the gap in the front and then etching in the rock work? Cheers Greg

Graham C said...

I'm finding that on blogger I can't reply to individual comments! Anyway I hadn't realised I'd knocked the table which opened a gap, it closes up pretty good I think the balance is if you want to make it into one piece or keep it in bits for ease of storage or indeed for adding bits and changing the Forts layout.