My daughter requested a couple of photos of herself when she was little to show her daughters and whilst sorting I found a pile of photos of all the demo games I have put on over the years with Gordon and Lee - I don't intend to bore you with them all but selected a few pics at random.
All of the games bring back fond memories for one reason or the other and I can honestly say that all the collections featured have gone - some pieces to the far corners of the world!
Regrets ? none - the armies were painted and built for a reason and saw good service and provided much enjoyment but I could see no reason to horde for the sake of it. For example the War of the Roses collection after being used for Stoke |Filed in 1987 sat in their boxes for almost 13 years before I decide to sell.
Any way without further ado.
First up out very first demo game Marston Moor in 15mm using Minifigs and Peter Laing (the minifigs were the originals on strips!) Must have been late 70's - I had to go to work for four hours 6-10 and dad got up when I went to work to finish flocking the figures bases!
All the figures were painted by me and terrain by Gordon
Next up a few pics from our Battler of the Boyne game at the Sheffield Triples can't remember the year.
Then there were a couple of impressive pieces Gordon did one was our take on the Charles Grant Scenario of the Romans crossing the Rhine and the other was a Medieval siege
Possibly one of my favourites an Indian Mutiny game we cobbled together for one of the Warcon weekends - great show and this was the games only outing
Finally a couple of pics of the afore mentioned War of the Roses Battle of Stoke Field at Partizan in 1987. We started with Bosworth in 1985, then Tewkesbury and finished with Stoke.
That's a pretty impressive number of figures painted over the years by Lee and I!!!
But no regrets just good memories.
I have noticed on quite a few blogs some of us oldies talking about focus, getting rid of some of the lead etc. as most of you know I've been doing that for some time and pretty much all the 28's other than my own range have gone..
doesn't stop me dabbling ass I dip my toe into a few periods in 15mm but the key is to focus on a main project to completion something I doubt I will ever learn :)
Can I wish you all the Best wishes for 2020 and may your dice always roll high ( unless you really need a one)
Fabulous post, Graham - loved it. Very best wishes for the new year.
Many happy memories Graham. I think the Boyne at Triples must have been around 1993-4 ish..? Thanks for the memories and inspiration. Phil
Great photos Graham and lovely memories.
I am resisting the calls from others to cull.....
I think your most probably right. I was trying to recall what we did in the intervening years - Killiekrankie was first and the article in Wargames World would most probably set the date for our next two games Boone and Aughrim
Happy days
Lovely post Graham and Happy New Year to you. I also have a few pics of my Minifigs ECW collection (15mm) from mid Eighties, it's great to look back at them now and then.
I actually found it quite cathartic and feel a lot better and focused. David Crook on his a wargaming odyssey blog wrote a piece which echoed a lot of how I felt..
Still remember your wonderful Marston Moor game Graham it was a great effort.Lovely to see some of your games,well done.
Bloody hell Robbie showing your age. ,
Like you I think between us we've put on some cracking games over the years.
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