Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Workbench update

Sorry for the short break - real life got in the way I'm afraid.
That doesn't mean to say I've been idle though - the Vauban continues to grow, 2 bastions done and work has started on walls.

I also did a couple of 15mm buildings for a game the other Sunday, the ruined chateau is only base coated hope to finish that next week
I won't mention the 'fairy' doors my wife has got me to print for the grandkids!!
On the painting front more horses, Highlanders and 15mm Ancients are all work in progress.
Finally had to say good bye to our last dog 😪 Poppy was 13 and was primarily my wife's dog I was there for the walks and feeding although later in life I found she liked coming with me to the local pub.
A character she will be missed


StuartInsch said...

Sorry to hear your news. There is no such thing as just a dog. I'm sure she will be sore missed.

The prints look good, where did you find the files?

The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Sad to hear about your dog , they leave a gap in your life when their gone .

The Jolly Broom Man said...

Very sorry to hear about the loss of your dog mate. Heartbreaking for you both I'm sure.

Graham C said...

You're right dogs take little and give a lot.
The Vauban is from laserdream works
The houses from https://www.najewitz-modellbau.de/index.php/en/

Carlo said...

Sorry to hear about Poppy Graham. They are such a part of the family, more so than I ever thought before Oscar joined us about nine years ago!

Love your work mate.

'Lee. said...

Hi Graham, very sorry about Poppy.

Those 15mm buildings are excellent. Given the current high prices of the 4Ground 15mm MDF buildings I'm guessing these are going to come in much cheaper - obviously after the initial investment in the printer. The Vauban is going to be a real statement piece when it's finished!

TamsinP said...

Sorry about Poppy - dogs are every bit a family member and losing them is tough :(

The buildings are looking good :)

Michael Mathews said...

I got the same Vauban kick starter and have the fortress printed except for a couple of pieces. Very pleased with it. You'll get a lot of use out of it. I also bought into a "pirates" kick starter and have used it extensively.

MSFoy said...

Graham - very excited indeed about your 3D Vauban stuff - I mean REALLY excited...

I can't find an email address on your blog profile - I'd be very pleased (if you have time!) to learn a bit more about what you are doing.

If you can be bothered, could you please send me an email ping to the address in my own Blogger profile? Many thanks.

Very sad about the doggie, by the way. - Regards - Tony

Graham C said...

Email sent

Graham C said...

There's lots out there, exciting times