Monday, 4 February 2019

Back in Business

Great cheers as tonight I can officially start work on painting and basing figures I have finished unpacking the majority of the books paints etc and assembled new book cases, paint desk, computer desk etc. So quite a nice environment to work in.
Still a bit of rubbish to remove from the floor 🤣 But perfection can't be achieved overnight.

This is one end of the loft room the other end holds the book cases, TV etc etc. So I'm really pleased with the space and I can also get a 6'x4' table in here until the garage conversion is complete.😀

As to the paint desk then this is a catch up process I am busy basing British 38th Foot and Compagnie Francais de la Marine for the Sugar Islands demo game at Partizan. In addition more Highlanders hit the bench to be assembled, undercoated etc. (Culloden will happen!).

The little green chaps in the background are more of the Prussians/Hessian 3d prints which have now been sent off to Griffin for casting into metal. These are part of the project I'm working on with Charles Grant for a forthcoming publication on skirmish actions in the Seven Years War.

I did attend the York show yesterday and from a Social point of view was excellent meeting old friends etc and a tactical meeting with Dave Marshall from TM terrain re a project. No photos though again certain areas were extremely crowded - a couple of traders had been allowed to bring their racks etc well forward narrowing the space between themselves and the demo game tables making it impossible to stand and look at the games as you were effectively blocking the aisle. Likewise the bring and buy was extremely crowded and uncomfortable and this is something the organisers certainly need to look at. It was a similar experience last year, for those in wheelchairs etc they would find great difficulty in gaining access to some areas.

Anyway back to the paint table 😀


StuartInsch said...

Welcome back!

Graham C said...

Good to be back full,of enthusiasm following a chat with Charles, just need to get down to some serious painting now 😀

Jiminho said...

That is a lovely new HQ, congrats!


Colin Ashton said...

Great looking space Graham.

Independentwargamesgroup said...

Good to see you yesterday Graham. Did Ian Smith find you? He was wanting to talk 3d printers, whatever they are. Cracking desk by the way.

RichardM said...

Great looking space Graham.

Graham C said...

thanks for the comments and yes I'm please with it.
Robbie - yup Ian found me and all sorted.

Willie Anderson said...

Looks like a good space Gramham having just moved house myself recently I know it can be quite an upheaval.

Looking forward to seeing those greens turn into metal.


Chris Gregg said...

Glad to see you have got settled and it all looks nice and neat and cosy. Highly impressed hat the "HIghland Charge" painting has pride of place. cheers Chris

Anonymous said...

The Eagles nest looks great.

Graham C said...

Willie,Chris and Simon thanks for the comments.
Simon like it - The Eagles Nest name plate to be made.
Willie it doesn't compare to your lair 😀 But it's an escape and a place of solitude and productivity 😀