Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Still Printing

As the arthritis in my fingers seems to have taken a grip early and I'm only getting about an hour a day painting then playing around with the capabilities of the printer continues.
I've done a 28mm test print of a Napoleonic British infantry for Ian Mountain (sculptor) and I thought I'd try printing some 10mm WWII vehicles that I got off thingiverse just to see.
How they turned out.


In addition Graham Hilditch painted the 40mm Prussian Officer I printed - very pleased and very tempted. Just waiting for the files of the other figures now.


Independentwargamesgroup said...

Sorry to hear about the arthritis Graham. Must be all those memos you used to write.The 40mm painted up really well.What exactly is the material you are using. It looks like 'green' from Blackadder.

Graham C said...

It's a clear resin I use it as it seems to have the least hassle in printing when I read other people's projects. As it's going to be painted I don't think it really matters.
As to the arthritis- well sometimes life's a bitch and I've no real reason to complain

TamsinP said...

The resin printing is coming along nicely, Graham. sorry to hear about the arthritis.

Chris Gregg said...

Likewise, sympathy from me Graham but you are putting your time to good use - particularly like the WW2 vehicles. Chris