Friday 18 June 2021

Happy Waterloo Day and more Ironclads

 Having arrived back from a few days walking in Scotland I’ve seized a few hours this afternoon to catch up on some admin etc. Whilst doing so thought I’d watch Waterloo (again) seeing it’s the anniversary.

This is the special blu ray release (picture quality very nice) which has a few extras - documentary on the making of the film ( pretty good) what I believe is an isolated music and sound effects track ( not listened to) and some other bits I’ve not checked.

There’s also a booklet which is a copy of the original brochure ( mine fell to bits years ago), a poster and lobby card prints all good stuff to remember when this was released.

Whilst this was playing I also set the printer off to print the first four CSA ironclads - left to right, front to back Albemarle, Arkansas, Atlanta and Baltic - far nicer looking than the Union ones I think 😁


Norm said...

Waterloo ….. quality time well spent :-)

David Crook said...

Hello old chap,

Lovely looking casemate ironclads! I was toying with building a Baltic as she is quite a character to look at. The Arkansas looks lovely.

Good shout re Waterloo - I wonder of the full length version will ever see the light of day?

All the best,


Old Nick said...

Waterloo is always A good watch.

But I really like the ironclad ships. They look excellent!

ronniec said...

Strangely though I've always been fascinated by the Waterloo campaign to the extent of dragging my poor wife on a tour of the battlefields on the days of the two hundredth anniversary I've never actually owned the dvd. Maybe it's time!