Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Tom The Wargamer - The future?

 A bit of an unusual post, there has been a lot of ongoing discussion about the future of the Hobby. Littlewars TV ran a piece on the future of Historical War gaming and I know Robbie on the Independent Wargamers blog has had some recent thoughts.

However I came across this young mans you tube channel. Tom is 12 years of age and as to be expected has many wide and varied interests ( a true gamer :) no 40k) and I guess will remind many of us how we were at 12.

He is articulate and is worth listening to his take on the hobby and how he is trying to do historical gaming - refreshing.



Delta Coy said...

G'Day Graham, what a fantastic young man and certainly the future of historical miniature wargaming. I like his take on Napoleonic wargaming using Risk figures - very sensible. At his age I remember saving up my pocket money (2 bob) to buy airfix kits and figures - also 2 bob a pop. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Greg

RichardM said...

Graham I saw his video last night and it was so refreshing. He has a great set of mannerisms and so much confidence for a young guy - but not cocky. He has quite a future I reckon.

Chris Gregg said...

Yes how interesting and encouraging, he is going to be running a wargames club soon, like I was at 14. I love his maps and his distinction between "battlegames" (massive Napoleonics)and skirmish wargames(30 men and a tank). Actively playing D and D with figures but doing his Napoleonics on maps with 2mm figures - very enterprising and cost effective. Big plug for Wargames Illustrated as a youngster whereas I recently heard seasoned wargamers rubbishing its boxed game style content; personally I like it as a good way to keep in touch with this young man's kind of wargaming world.

Graham C said...

I agree with you all I’ve spent a pleasant hour going through his various posts. Nice to see the enthusiasm and for those that keep saying historical gaming is dead the its worth a watch. It may just not be the way we do it. 🤣

Khusru said...

Yes. I subscribed. It is refreshing to hear so much enthusiasm for the hobby. I was practically twice his age when I got really interested in wargames. He comes across well, totally unscripted and upright. Long may he remain so.

Mark, Man of TIN said...

Thanks for sharing - hooray for Tom, hooray for Airfix. Yet again - What a shame that Airfix figures go in and out of production so much, otherwise Waterloo figures would still be around for young gamers like Tom, ditto the ACW figures, medievals. At least the WW1 figures are back - but for how long? On the Airfix.com shop, WW1 besides, as a young gamer you would struggle to find Airfix figures in stock who make opposing armies. :(

The only cheaper alternative is an imaginative use of the cheapest Airfix copies and odd tanks you can find in online / Pound store outlets https://poundstoreplasticwarriors.wordpress.com/2020/06/23/the-joy-of-pound-store-play-sets/

Colin Ashton said...

A breath of fresh air after the slew of curmudgeonly grumbles one is used to hearing/reading.

Tales from Shed HQ said...

Great to see young Tom. I love his enthusiasm!

James Fisher said...

What a great 'find' Graham. A top young fellow!
Regards, James