Saturday, 15 February 2020

French Indian War

Some great progress on this front has been made. Jim in his Fife and Drum range commissioned Richard to do Mohawks for the AWI Saratoga campaign, these chaps will also serve for the FIW and I will be stocking them.
As a result Richard focused on doing Huron’s for me they will be finished for me this weekend ( photos show the Huron’s still needing work on the leggings)
Both of these sets should be available by the end of March and I have started putting some pre.order offers on the web site.
Next up will be the Rangers and a few Provincials.
First up the Mohawks

Then the almost complete Huron’s 

Finally the remainder of the charging French Regulars

Exciting times 


MSFoy said...

These are magnificent, Graham. Beautiful work.

StuartInsch said...

Excellent new figs. Looking forward to getting some , once my Maroons and Naval party are done. said...

Have had the pleasure of seeing Grahams efforts with the printer in the flesh. Superb, drool etc, etc, keep up the good work Graham, and hope the electric bill is a small one.