Monday, 20 January 2020

Workbench cornucopia

As is my usual m.o. I keep my interest and mojo! going by doing a variety of projects so since New Year I've spent some time doing 3d printing -
In 15mm the Hummelbaugh farm from Gettysburg, and some Viking Longboats

In 28mm I've started printing the Trostle House from Gettysburg. I'm also determined to finish the Jacobite rebellion project this year so I'm back to painting Highlanders.

I also couldn't resist trying some of museum miniatures new 15mm Z range Greek hoplites - these guys are computer designed, moulded and cast in metal. They are lovely to say the least I also got a few Indians to add to my army - excellent.
Couldn't resist doing them as Spartans in homage to the original 300 Spartans movie 😀


Der Alte Fritz said...

The Trostle Farmhouse is looking good.

Aly Morrison said...

The Trostle House looks very good indeed...
Is it you own data or something you downloaded?

All the best. Aly

Steve-the-Wargamer said...

...indeed, but not as good as those stunning Spartan's... “Then we shall have our battle in the shade!”

'Lee. said...

All looking very good Graham. The 3D printing continues to amaze me!

RichardM said...

Graham those prints look very good quality. They don't look like a resin printer? What has produced those? Thanks

Graham C said...

I bought the file as part of a Kickstarter package from
It is now available for purchase. Awesome pieces to be found

Graham C said...

You're right the resin printer is reserved for figures etc. These are printed on the Prusa Mk3s using PLA

Graham C said...

I think I need some more 😀 The figures are very nice for sure.

Graham C said...

Thanks there's plenty more where that came from 🤣