Friday, 30 September 2016

Battle of Rocoux

Well it's almost a week since my return from Charles Grant's and another excellent weekend of gaming, chatting and having a small drink or three.

The game itself was based on the Marshall Saxe's attack on the centre of the Pragmatic army and will appear in Charles' next book

As a result I'm not able to go into detail of the game except to say it was hard fought and it was nice to see my British figures make the table. As usual some units shone and some did not live up to expectations and of course it always seems to be at critical times do our boys stand up to the mark or fail to deliver.

I have to admit the sight of 21 French columns marching towards my lines was a sight to behold.
So without further ado some carefully selected pics from the game.

So all in all an excellent game with excellent company and superb hospitality from Charles and Liz


Carlo said...

Wonderful looking game Graham and so many superbly sculpted and painted figures. You must definitely let on a bit more after Charles book publication as I am sure we would all be fascinated by his process.

MSFoy said...

Looks absolutely sensational - humbling, in fact! What an experience - my compliments, and thanks for sharing the marvellous pics!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Now this is what I envision a table-top wargame to look like. Beautiful and something to aspire to.

John Ray said...

Great photographs. All those French columns is a an amazing picture. Nice to see some of the CT British figures in action, in particular the lovely cavalry.

RichardM said...

Wow - what a sight Graham. Looks like this will be another must have book from Charles. The French columns lead me to think of being fed into a meat grinder.


Graham C said...

Once the book is nearer publication I will. I do intend to post my observations about the rules, how good and adaptable they are and those that think 'old school' are totally wrong Charles has adapted he rules over time and they provide a fist class game, I've even adapted them for my smaller regiments.

Graham C said...

Nothing humbling about it, Charles has an excellent collection of figures and is a quick painter ( too quick for me) but he provides inspiration and it's nice to see columns of attack in use way before that Corsican came on th scene

Graham C said...

Agree, aspire, inspire and all the other positives you can think of. Big difference between Charles and I is that he isn't a Wargame butterfly :)

Graham C said...

Good to hear from you. Yes 21 regiments each 48 strong not a sight to relish when on the defence.
Yes it was really good to start getting my British on the board in some mass - artillery next :)

Graham C said...

This second series of books from Charles just get better and better and believe me this one is going to be a corker. 😄

Extrabio47 said...

Wonderful photos, Graham, and its great to see those Scots Greys on the table!

Andy McMaster said...

Lovely looking game. Most impressive!

marinergrim said...

An excellent game but then what else would we expect from such a talented group of individuals. Superb.

Graham C said...

Oh such compliments 😄 Thank you. You don't do a bad job yourself Paul.

Graham C said...

Thanks Andy.

Graham C said...

Thank you, yes it was great to get them finished and on the table.