Sunday, 1 January 2023

Happy New Year and a few more books to go ……..

 First can I wish everyone a Happy New Year and May it bring you all what you hope for.

After last years health scare my outlook has changed somewhat and this year I just intend to game when I can, paint what I like and don’t buy too much. In the background there’s a sort of plan to focus on ECW and Napoleonic but there are no targets just some ‘ it would be nice to…… ‘ sort of targets.

I have kicked my butt into action and am in the middle of reorganising my loft room, the Jolly Broom

Man inspired me to get some IKEA units for the base of a table   ( photos to follow) so a 6 x4 is accommodated with the option of going to 8x4. 

A refurb of the garage will take place in the summer and if needs be I can put a 10  x 6 in their.

Part of this overhaul is a rationalisation of books and rules. I haven’t been half as ruthless as I should be, and there’s a number of books I’m hanging onto for no other reason than sentiment, they’re part of my Wargaming history and I can’t let them go. I may chat about them in the future.

I’ve listed a few books on here and more elsewhere however todays raid of the shelves has produced to following publications to go…..

I have the cards to go with this £10









Postage will be at cost.

I hope to see some of you this year at the shows. Stop me and I will buy you a coffee 🤪
I anticipate a battle report coming soon.

Oops nearly forgot this excellent set of books

This four volume set covers the AWI in the Carolina’s and had details on every single action, skirmish, battle both on land and sea and excellent set £25.


Jonathan Freitag said...

Happy New Year, Graham!

Norm said...

Are you still pursuing your Epic napoleonic? or will the 40mm be taking precedence?

Good plan to pursue the gaming side as a priority.

I am going to try and cut down on screen time to get some ‘real’ things done.

Happy New Year.

Graham C said...

Hi Norm,
Napoleonic covers epic, 28mm and 40mm. The 40mm mainly is about rebasing the collection and doing a few extra bits. I’m hoping to always have one unit on the table undergoing a rebase. Epic French artillery is under way to be closely followed by Chasseurs and line lancers and then hopefully before month end the allies will be started 😁 and yes screen time is a major objective to be on less it’s a stealer of time and life.

Independentwargamesgroup said...

Great to see your active Graham and planning ahead. Selling books is painful though. Ive two big boxes gathering dust and little prospect of them going to new owners. Even the local library turned down reference books. Apparently libraries dont 'do' reference books anymore? Dumb Britain or what?

Aly Morrison said...

Have a happy and prosperous new year Graham…
“Stop me and I will buy you a coffee “?… surely only if there is no beer available 😂
Looking forward to meeting up with you in 2023.

All the best. Aly

The Jolly Broom Man said...

Happy new year matey!

RichardM said...

Happy new year Graham I wish you very well in enjoying your hobby this year and more generally.


Rohan said...

Happy New Year, Graham! I hope it is a better year health wise for you. You encourage me to rationalise my hobby directions, and my NY resolution is to actually do some painting, modelling and gaming!! One day I will retire, I'm sure!! All the very best, Rohan.

Carlo said...

Happy New Year Graham

StuartInsch said...

Happy new year and all the very best to you Graham.