Sunday, 31 October 2010

Fiasco - I'd rather be painting

Today saw me steal away to the Fiasco show at its new venue Saviles at the Armouries at Leeds,
I've been going to the Leeeds show for more years than I care to remember and have always looked forward to this.
Today was the trial of a new venue which I liked very much, but what's happened to the show? 5 possibly six games, a fair few traders yes but nothing to hold me there for any length of time, after an hour I was done, £4.00 to get in, £5.00 spent!! more spent in petrol and not a good day.
On the painting front I have started another Albion Regiment, 12 figures done and then I've run out!!! an order has been placed with Minden and hopefully reinforcements will arrive shortly, poor logistical planning.
Hopefully pics next week.

1 comment:

Fire at Will said...

Yes really strange, larger and better lit venue, plenty of space, but traders/games didn't tun up and the mix of traders didn't cover the hobby. I did wonder if this was just Fiasco, but apparently takings are down at most shows.

Just felt it could have been a lot better